Who has played Madness Accelerant, Madness Regent or anything like that and, WHO HAS 9-10 years old actually? The answer is Me, Me and Me. However, who likes the Madness Series? If you didn´t played it already, you are a LOOSER haha. It is the best game for ME actually. Yes, you´re thinking: "This boy only talks of him" But I have more things that not only are about me, THINK, THIS IS MY FIRST POST AND MAYBE NOT BE FUN. Accept that O.K. and I am learning to speak English because I am from Mex. The good thing of this post is just RECOMEND YOU SOME VIDEOS of YouTube, if you see that some videos say that are bombikid´s, are mine. They are just the BEST VIDEOS i think. Byebye kids. CLICK ON THIS IF YOU WANT TO SEE MY VIDEOS